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Playing chess online - pros and cons

юли 28th, 2011

A lot of people think that online chess is just like any other chess, but they are wrong. Playing chess online has its own pros and cons. One advantage is that you do not have to travel a lot, meeting new people so that you can always broaden your experience – if you practice chess online you are directly meeting people through the Internet, which gives you great possibilities to meet so many different people. Sometimes there are even professional chess players that visit such Internet sites, because one can never get enough of practice - the more, the better. If you play online chess often, then surely you have already met someone famous there. This will be very useful for you, although odds are you will most probably lose. In chess, online or in person, it is important to never stop learning. Very often the losses are even more valuable than the victories, because then you get to see the other person’s winning moves and also understand what are you weaknesses. Online chess is also great for your motivation, because most sites have their own ranking tables and the higher you go, the better your satisfaction is. That’s why it is wrong to thing that playing chess online is just about as playing it in real. But there is a downside, as well, and it is that you cannot always choose your opponents and sometime they are very weak and are just wasting your time. But still, if you play a lot online chess, then you will get better, no matter what.

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